Neighbours accuse woman of operating fake school in her living room where students drink alcohol and smoke

Tensions are running high in Athlone as a neighbour of Angeleen Jacobs, the accused owner of a suspected fake school, has come forward with shocking allegations.

A neighbour who spoke to the Daily Voice, who wishes to remain unnamed out of fear of reprisal, claims they have been trying to shut down the operation for years.

She stated that students at the school can be seen drinking alcohol and smoking during “school hours”.

According to reports, Jacobs, the principal of Education For Africa, has denied running a fake school after concerns were raised by the family of a 14-year-old student.

The family had enrolled their child in January for grades 8 and 9, only to discover that the student was given Grade 1-level work and never received a report card.

When questioned about her registration papers by the family and local media, Jacobs reportedly evaded the request and insisted that her establishment is a registered adult learning center.

However, suspicions have continued to grow over the legitimacy of the operation.

The concerned neighbour revealed, “She is running a school there during the day as we often see all the kids coming onto the property to attend the classes. However, my other concern is that she takes care of a lot of other kids, who are mostly unsupervised during the day, engaging in concerning activities.”

The neighbour further highlighted issues of young boys loitering on the premises, engaging in substance abuse and posing a risk to other children in the area.

Despite previous complaints and attempts to involve social services and the landlord, little action has been taken to address the escalating situation.

Also Read: 15-year-old girl who was gang raped by four men was walking home from a tavern at 2am

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