Murdered man buried twice

Fifty-four-year-old Andrew Moleele was buried for the second time on Tuesday after his body was earlier found in a shallow grave.

The grim discovery of his shallow grave within his own home cast a dark shadow and a murder inquest was immediately opened.

Councillor Neo Sefume, a close relative of the deceased, confirmed the somber burial.

Police investigations revealed that Moleele’s body was found after his herdsman raised the alarm, concerned by his employer’s unusual silence and unpaid wages.

Upon arriving at Moleele’s residence, Oteng Ngada, the Matsiloje police station commander, described the scene as chilling. “Blood stains on the house walls hinted at a gruesome event,” he said.

“Behind the house, we stumbled upon exposed bones and what appeared to be human remains buried in a shallow grave.”

Forensic examinations confirmed the bones belonged to Moleele, prompting a murder investigation. “We have informed the family and continue our investigations,” Ngada added.

“We appeal to the public for assistance in apprehending the perpetrators.”

The community was deeply saddened by the loss of Moleele, a former soldier and trained nurse. Kgosi Oganne Polson, the village chief, expressed his profound grief.

“This incident has torn at the fabric of our community,” he lamented. “I request time to compose myself before commenting further.”

The tragedy has highlighted the importance of regular contact between family members.

“Moleele lived alone, and it appears that nobody had seen him for weeks,” Ngada said.

“Families need to make a habit of checking on each other.”

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