Moses Tembe admits to wanting AKA in a box, in an exclusive interview

This week marked the third anniversary of the passing of 22-year-old Anele Tembe, who tragically fell from the 10th floor of a Cape Town hotel in April 2021 while with her fiancé, rapper Kiernan ‘AKA’ Forbes. Her family has been eagerly awaiting answers regarding the circumstances of her death.The inquiry into her passing began last year but has faced numerous delays.

Following the National Prosecuting Authority’s decision not to prosecute anyone in June 2022, the case was referred to the Inquest Court after Forbes’s own death in 2023.

Despite the initial start date set for October last year, the Tembe family has been left frustrated by the ongoing postponements.

In an exclusive interview, Moses Tembe, Anele’s father, speaks with SABC News Senior Reporter Chriselda Lewis.

Moses Tembe with his daughter Anele Tembe

Anele and Moses Tembe

He describes the wounds of his grieving family: “For the family, we are still feeling so much pain, we are still feeling so much anguish out of the passing of our daughter Anele. In fact, I can tell you our hearts remain so shattered into pieces by the passing of Anele but having said that, by the grace of God our hearts are still beating.”

Chriselda Lewis summarised some of the points Moses stated during the interview, which was that the Tembe family wanted AKA in the court box as either a witness or suspect.

“We wanted Kiernan (AKA) in the box as either a witness or suspect”

‘I object to anyone saying Kiernan killed our daughter. The evidence at the inquest into her death will tell us exactly what happened.’

‘Our hearts are shattered and gutted’

‘To see my daughter on TV covered in foil was traumatic’

‘At the time I knew she wouldn’t strip naked and throw herself down’


Must read: Moses Tembe cares more about the inquest to his daughters fall than AKA’s case

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