Man takes his own life after struggling to kill his cheating girlfriend

Tragedy nearly struck twice in the village of Matshelagabedi this week as a man suspected of stabbing his ex-girlfriend was found dead by suicide.

The 43-year-old man was found hanging inside his house on Tuesday morning, just two days after allegedly attacking his former partner whom he accused of cheating.

The incident began on Sunday evening when the suspect encountered his 37-year-old ex-girlfriend walking home with friends. An argument erupted, prompting her friends to flee.

The man then allegedly stabbed the woman multiple times before escaping.

Severely injured, she managed to seek help and was transported to Nyangabgwe Hospital, where she is currently receiving treatment.

Police in Matsiloje, led by Oteng Ngada, launched a search for the suspect but were initially unsuccessful.

It is believed the man went into hiding after the attack and only returned to his home on Monday evening. Family members made the grim discovery of his body on Tuesday morning.

According to authorities, the couple had a tumultuous relationship that ended with the woman obtaining a restraining order against the man.

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