Lobola money and alcohol stolen in a robbery

A couple’s plans for marriage have been disrupted after the money which was meant for Lobola ( bride price) was stolen during an armed robbery. On 13 December 2023, at around 00:28, a couple and their child were asleep in their home at Extension 18 Hani Park Bronville when unusual sounds were heard. Out of curiosity, the husband to decided get up and investigate the weird sounds that had woken him up. He heard scratching coming from outside while he was in the kitchen.

The bottom wooden section of the door was forced open and five unknown african men entered the room brandishing three guns and many knives. Two bottles of Cognac at valued R1200 and Samsung telephones worth R4500 were stolen, along with an undisclosed sum of money.

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The undisclosed sum of money that was stolen was meant to be paid for lobola. A residential robbery case has been opened for additional investigations.

The public is strongly cautioned against keeping large amounts of cash in their houses, particularly for lobola, the initiation fee for traditional healers, and stokvel money. To prevent these robberies, all of these transactions should to be done through the banks.


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