Latoya’s sister breaks down as she remembers her dreams

The sister of 12-year-old Latoya Temilton who drowned during a school trip has confessed that she had dreams of becoming Laerskool Queenswood’s next head girl.

“It’s just so heartbreaking. She had so much potential and was such a bright young girl,” Palesa said tears streaming down her face.

The tragedy has left the entire school community in shock and mourning.

Latoya was known for her leadership skills and dedication to her studies.

Her teachers and classmates remember her as a kind and compassionate girl who always went out of her way to help others.

“She was a natural leader. Latoya had this ability to bring people together and make everyone feel included. She would have been an excellent head girl,” said Mrs. Johnson, Latoya’s grade 7 teacher.

The school has organized a memorial service to honor Latoya’s memory and provide support to the grieving community.

Students and staff members will have the opportunity to share their memories and pay their respects to the young girl who had so much potential.

“Our hearts are broken, but we will remember Latoya for the bright light she was in our lives. She will always be our head girl,” said Palesa, her voice filled with sadness and love.

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