Kelly khumalo is rumoured to be pregnant

A video of songstress Kelly Khumalo has left her legion of fans wondering whether she has a bun baking in her oven.

Following the controversy surrounding her ex-boyfriend Senzo Meyiwa’s high-profile murder trial, Kelly, who is currently the talk of the town, ignited pregnancy speculations. This is after releasing a video of herself dancing with Shoprite staff members at the Shoprite location in Dawn Park.

It comes after tweeps noticed a baby bump and began to speculate about her pregnancy. Kelly is now visiting Shoprite stores as part of the From A God To A King Tour.

Meanwhile today startling claims made against Kelly’s sister Zandie Kumalo were presented in court. Following Advocate TT Thobane’s description of how Zandie allegedly came to have a sexual relationship with the late Senzo Meyiwa.

He insisted that Kelly was the one who struck up the romance. She never had time for Meyiwa because she was usually buried in work. Additionally, the witness will affirm that Senzo ultimately had sex with Zandi because Kelly was absent for a long period, Thobane said.

During the cross-examination of Senzo’s close friend Tumelo Madlala, he made these assertions. Tumelo stated that due to Senzo’s alleged love of women, he would neither confirm nor refute the charges. Tumelo Madlala stated, “I wouldn’t affirm nor deny that, all I know is that Senzo adored girls/women.”

Also read: Senzo and Zandi Khumalo allegedly had sex

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