Kaizer Chiefs cuts Peterson down to size after infamous public outburst

Kaizer Chiefs goalkeeper Brandon Peterson has found himself in hot water for his conduct towards coach Cavin Johnson during the recent Soweto derby against Orlando Pirates, a source within the club has disclosed.

Peterson was captured on camera appearing to shout during the match, leading to speculation about his relationship with the coach.

However, it has now been clarified that Peterson’s outburst was actually directed towards another player, not Johnson.

The source revealed that Peterson’s frustration stemmed from the actions of a fellow player, and he was simply expressing his discontent to Johnson.

Despite the clarification, the Chiefs management was displeased with Peterson’s public display of emotion, believing that such matters should be addressed privately within the confines of the dressing room.

The incident, which garnered attention after the video went viral, sparked concerns about Peterson’s respect towards the coach and the team’s dynamics.

The source explained, “When a player does that it seems like he is bigger than the team, I think that’s what upset the people at the top.”

Clarifying Peterson’s intentions, the source emphasized that the goalkeeper’s passion for the club and desire for success were at the core of his actions.

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