Inmate receives life sentence for raping fellow prisoner at Mangaung Correctional Centre

A prisoner at Mangaung Correctional Centre, Jeffrey Bona, has been handed a direct life imprisonment sentence after being found guilty of raping a fellow inmate in 2021.

The National Prosecuting Authority revealed that Bona, aged 42, committed the heinous act on multiple occasions, leading to the victim reporting the crime to authorities.

The Bloemfontein regional court, having found no substantial and compelling reasons to deviate from the prescribed life sentence, has enforced this severe penalty against Bona.

Jeffrey Bona, 42, has been sentenced to direct life imprisonment by the Bloemfontein regional court after he was convicted of raping another inmate

Jeffrey Bona, 42, has been sentenced to direct life imprisonment by the Bloemfontein regional court after he was convicted of raping another inmate

Details of the case and life sentence:

The incident unfolded within the confines of the Mangaung Correctional Centre, where both Bona and the victim were serving sentences.

The survivor bravely reported the repeated rapes to the authorities, prompting legal action against Bona.

National Prosecuting Authority spokesperson Mojalefa Senokoatsane stated that Bona’s actions were subject to legal consequences, resulting in the recent life sentence.

Jeffrey Bona, already incarcerated for previous criminal acts, had a history that included a 2013 conviction.

At that time, he was sentenced to 20 years in prison for robbery and an additional 10 years for attempted murder.

This recent life sentence further solidifies the legal consequences of his actions, emphasizing the severity of the crimes committed within the correctional facility.

The Bloemfontein regional court, considering the gravity of the offense and the absence of mitigating circumstances, opted for the prescribed life sentence for Bona. The court’s decision reflects a commitment to upholding justice and ensuring that those who violate the rights and well-being of others face severe consequences.

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