Imposter caught writing matric exam for learner

Merely hours into the National Senior Certificate (NSC) exams, a shocking incident unfolded in KwaZulu-Natal. A young man was arrested while attempting to impersonate a legitimate student during the examination.It is alleged that the man, who is from Newcastle, was writing the exam on behalf of the genuine learner of the school.

According to Zimoja, the Provincial Basic Education spokesperson, Muzi Mahlambi said: “According to reports, there was an imposter writing on behalf of a candidate on October 31 at the Phendukani Full Service School under the Amajuba District.

It was an invigilator who noticed someone sitting on behalf of the part-time candidate. The matter has been reported to police,” said Mahlambi, adding that the department will not tolerate or accept this because they have worked hard to ensure that no faults arise during the exams. “The department condemns in the strongest possible terms the alleged act of examination irregularity by a private candidate at the school, which is one of the best-performing schools in the province. We wish to assure the public that our invigilators have been trained and will detect and deal with any form of irregularity so that the integrity of the National Senior Certificate examination is not compromised. What happened at Phedukani is a clear demonstration of this commitment,” Mahlambi added.ID

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Mahlambi explained that all their invigilators are well-trained and able to pick up on the slightest irregularities. “An exam invigilator picked up that the photo in the identity book of the learner in question had been tampered with. This is a result of the many hours and resources the government has spent on training matric exam invigilators. And if anyone still thinks they can take chances, and do these things we no longer punish you over five years or withhold your results because it is a criminal act, we just arrest you.”


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