I fled to save my life – Another woman claims to have discharged herself from Charlotte Maxeke hospital horror

Another shocking case of alleged medical negligence has emerged at Charlotte Maxeke Academic Hospital, with a patient coming forward to share her harrowing experience.

Catherine Khanyeza, a 60-year-old diabetic, claims that she went into the hospital in November to have her toe amputated but woke up to find that her entire lower leg had been removed.

Khanyeza recounts her ordeal, stating, “No one provided me with an explanation as to why they took away all of my lower leg.”

She also alleges that she was not given painkillers after the surgery and had to rely on her daughter to bring her medication when she visited.

Khanyeza had to wait until there were no staff members around before taking the painkillers.

When she complained about the need for treatment and stitches on the amputated area, she was informed that she would require another surgery to amputate above the knee.

However, apart from the wound, there was nothing wrong with the remaining part of her leg.

Fearing further complications, Khanyeza decided to discharge herself from the hospital and sought treatment from a private doctor.

“I feared losing my whole leg,” she said.

“The wound got infected and oozed pus because they never treated it after surgery. I decided to take matters into my own hands and seek help elsewhere. The wound has now healed, and I am fine. I saved myself.”

These revelations come in the wake of Voilla Ncube’s account of her own horrifying experience at Charlotte Maxeke Academic Hospital, which was published by The Citizen last week.

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