Gayton McKenzie’s party eyeing for the Department of Home Affairs

Patriotic Alliance (PA) leader Gayton McKenzie has announced that the party is aiming to take control of the home affairs department to address the issue of illegal foreigners.

Home affairs wanted by PA

During a media briefing at the IEC’s Results Operation Centre in Midrand, McKenzie stated that the PA is set to receive nine seats in the National Assembly, which will play a role in deciding the next president.

“We’ll have nine votes in the National Assembly. Those nine votes will decide who becomes president … to get those nine votes all these illegal foreigners must go, we are not going to trust another party.

“I heard [EFF leader] Mr Malema saying he wants finance (Treasury). We don’t want finance, we want home affairs,” says McKenzie.

The Patriotic Alliance (PA) has performed well in the 2024 general elections, securing 2.5% of the national vote. This marks the first time the party has secured seats in both the National Assembly and the Western Cape provincial legislature.


Must read: Capturing of general election results onto IEC system is almost done

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