Gambia’s national team comes within 30 minutes of dying while flying to Afcon

Gambia’s national football team had a terrifying ordeal when their oxygen supply failed on their plane.

The squad was on their way to the Africa Cup of Nations in Ivory Coast when the serious problem occurred, causing several players to pass out.

The pilot was forced to make an emergency landing just nine minutes after take-off.

One of the players on board, former Manchester United player Saidy Janko, shared a video on Instagram showing the players getting off the plane, expressing his frustration with the situation.

He described the unbearable heat and lack of oxygen on the aircraft, which caused many people to experience strong headaches and extreme dizziness.

He also mentioned that people started falling deeply asleep shortly after takeoff.

This incident is a stark reminder of the importance of proper maintenance and safety protocols in air travel.

The fact that the team had already endured a long journey from Saudi Arabia to Gambia, with layovers in Istanbul and Casablanca, makes the situation even more alarming.

It is unacceptable for a professional team to be subjected to such dangerous conditions.

The authorities responsible for the safety of air travel need to investigate this incident thoroughly and take appropriate action to prevent such incidents from happening again.

The lives of the players and staff were put at risk, and it is fortunate that the pilot was able to make a quick emergency landing.

They are set to participate at the forthcoming Afcon tournament.

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