Ex African football star hit with a DNA bombshell which revealed that kids his fathered for 16 years are not his, they belong to his wife’s ex husband

Former football star Geremi, known for his time at Real Madrid and Chelsea, is currently facing a devastating situation after discovering that the twin children he thought were his own are actually the biological children of his wife’s ex-husband.

The shocking revelation has led Geremi to file for divorce in Cameroon, where the couple resides.

In a recent statement, Geremi expressed his profound disbelief and heartache over the situation, saying, “The news of the DNA test results has been a tremendous blow. I have loved and cared for these children as my own, only to find out they are not biologically mine. It is a betrayal that I never saw coming.”

Leaked court papers have revealed the extent of the deception and betrayal that Geremi has faced.

According to the documents, Geremi’s wife, Laure, had engaged in an affair with her former spouse while she was in a relationship with Geremi.

The revelation that the children were not his own has shattered the foundation of their marriage, leading to Geremi’s decision to end the relationship.

The court papers also highlighted the psychological toll that the situation has taken on Geremi, with the discovery being described as a “grave violation of the commitments and responsibilities associated with marriage.”

Geremi has emphasized that the betrayal and deceit have caused him immense emotional shock and pain.

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