Details of Somizi Mhlongo’s sex offender conviction

Flamboyant musician, choreographer, cook, and judge, Somizi Mhlongo, is a convicted sex offender. He was convicted of indecent assault in May 2008.

A then 28-year-old Celani Njapha gave details on how an openly gay Mhlongo continuously touched him despite his protests.

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After asking the Somizi for his autograph, Njapha stated that Mhlongo gave him a lift and took him to his home. He claimed that when he arrived at a house that belonged to Mhlongo, Somizi offered him a drink.

Njapha, who was visibly upset by the ordeal said that “he started caressing my chest and my private areas while we were sitting on the couch.”

According to the victim, Mhlongo only stopped touching him when he threatened to become violent. At the time he had made it apparent to Mhlongo that he had no sexual interest in him at all.

Mhlongo eventually drove him home.

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Later, Njapha filed an indecent assault accusation, and gave police all necessary details, which resulted in Mhlongo’s arrest in November 2007. He was then released on R2 000 bail.

Mhlongo claimed that Njapha laid the indecent assault charges against him after he refused to pay Njapha R10 000 for sex.

The Randburg magistrate’s court found Mhlongo guilty of indecent assault.

Somizi was sentenced to four months imprisonment or an R6000 fine. Half of the sentence was suspended for three years. He opted to pay the R6000 fine.


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