Cops set up trap and arrest foreign national who was buying stolen water meters

The ongoing battle against water meter theft in Bellville received a boost Wednesday with the arrest of a 25-year-old foreign national suspected of purchasing stolen meters.

Communities in Boston, Oakdale, and surrounding areas have been plagued by this crime in recent months, causing significant disruption and inconvenience to residents.

Swift action by officers led to the suspect’s apprehension at an informal settlement near the Tiennie Meyer bridge.

While no actual water meters were found in his possession, police discovered copper cables, water meter fittings, and a scale used to weigh copper, all items strongly suggesting involvement in the illicit trade.

Police spokesperson Captain F.C Van Wyk confirmed the arrest, stating, “This office can confirm that a 25-year-old male person was arrested on a charge of possession of stolen property (on Wednesday) at about 06:30 at the shacks at Tienie Meyer.”

The Bellville Community Police Forum (CPF) praised the successful operation, acknowledging the dedication of Captain Van Der Sandt and Captain Hawkins.

CPF chairperson Emre Uygun emphasized the importance of collaboration between law enforcement and the community in combating crime, stating, “We appreciate the dedication and collaboration between Saps and the community in bringing perpetrators to justice.”

Although the suspect was not caught with water meters in his possession, the presence of copper cables and meter fittings suggests a connection to the widespread theft plaguing the area.

The arrest represents a significant step forward in disrupting the criminal network behind these thefts.

The suspect is scheduled to appear in the Bellville Magistrates Court, where the case will be further investigated.

The outcome of this case could potentially shed light on the broader criminal network involved in water meter theft, leading to more arrests and a reduction in this disruptive crime.

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