Busisiwe Makhabane gives Cyril Ramaphosa an ultimatum

Busisiwe Mkhwebane has given President Cyril Ramaphosa until 5 p.m. today to reverse her suspension or face a legal battle.

Busisiwe Mkhebane’s claims

Mkhwebane claimed that Ramaphosa ignored crucial submissions she made to him. In a letter to the president in which she challenged her suspension.

Ramaphosa promised to inform Mkhwebane of his thoughts on her suggestions before making a decision.

“Before making the suspension decision, you agreed to notify me and/or my legal representatives as to whether or not you offer such an undertaking and, if so, on what terms.”

“By giving your indication concurrently with the suspension letter, you have infringed your undertaking in that regard.” Mkhwebane remarked, “That response comes too late and serves no purpose.”

IOL states that she further claimed that, rather than dealing with Part A of her legal claim, the president addressed concerns in Part B that were yet to be addressed in another venue.

Part B of Mkhwebane’s book deals with a legal precedent that the courts concluded. A conclusion that former President Jacob Zuma could not make judgments affecting former PP Thuli Madonsela due to a conflict of interest. Due to Madonsela investigating Zuma.

Mkhwebane said she had launched a series of inquiries. These include Ramaphosa’s probable involvement in constitutional violations.

Among them is the Glencore case. Worldwide mining conglomerate admitted that it bribed lucrative government contracts in South America and Africa.

The probe was prompted by a request from UDM leader Bantu Holomisa. He thought it odd that Glencore could bribe countries other than South Africa.

The other issue is the Phala Phala animal farm controversy. Prompted by ATM leader Vuyo Zungula. He asked the PP to look into whether Ramaphosa had broken the Executive Members Ethics Act. The Act requires cabinet members to reveal their financial interests.

Busisiwe Mkhwebane vs Cyril Ramaphosa

Reverse suspension or prepare for a legal fight, say Makhabane

The deadline

“I hereby demand that you reconsider your decision to suspend me. Notify that you have done so by 17h00 on Tuesday, June 14, 2022. Failing which I will be forced to refer the matter to the competent court,” Mkhwebane stated.

Vincent Magwenya said he would only comment on the situation after 5 p.m. Once the president had reacted to Mkhwebane.

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