ANC dumps Jacob Zuma

The African National Congress (ANC) has decided to “summarily suspend” former president Jacob Zuma as a member for contravening the party’s constitution.

The decision was made by the party’s national executive committee (NEC), which opted for a disciplinary process instead of immediate expulsion.

Zuma had publicly announced his support for the newly established MK party, which goes against the ANC’s policy that members should not support any organisation or party other than the ANC or its alliance partners.

“We pulled the trigger but we didn’t empty the chamber,” said an NEC member, indicating that the party had taken action but had not gone as far as expelling Zuma.

The disciplinary hearing is expected to take time, but the ANC is determined to follow through with it.

The debate on Zuma’s fate reportedly gripped the NEC meeting, with some members calling for his immediate removal while others argued that this would only strengthen his victimhood mentality.

Those against his suspension or expulsion argued that it would not be wise to take action on the eve of elections, while those who pushed for his removal argued that not taking action would send a message that the ANC is afraid of Zuma.

Despite the differing opinions, the ANC is expected to announce Zuma’s suspension soon.

This decision could have implications for the upcoming elections, as Zuma still has a significant following within the party.

However, the ANC is determined to uphold its constitution and send a message that no member is above the party’s rules and regulations.

Zuma’s suspension comes at a time when the ANC is facing numerous challenges, including corruption allegations and declining popularity.

The party hopes that taking action against Zuma will show that it is committed to rooting out corruption and restoring its reputation.

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