AKA is as living “ghost” , here is why

Online users usually joke around and say there is an Kieran “AKA” Forbes tweet for every situation. However things have taken a twist to a rather creepy side since his assassination and has people begging his “ghost” to rest in peace.

AKA was shot dead outside a restaurant in the coastal city of Durban. Forbes was killed along with his close friend, the chef and entrepreneur Tebello ‘Tibz’ Motsoane.

Since his death tweets dating from years back have emerged, which are related to current affairs.

When Bafana Bafana lost to Nigeria during the African Cup on Nations (AFCON) competition, there was a interesting tweet about the situation.

In the tweet , he expressed his dissatisfaction to losing to Nigeria.

People continue to dig up his old tweets and another intriguing one was where he expressed his opinion about the ANC. This tweet was particularly a favourite for those who are fed up with the governing party.

This had online users asking AKA’s ghost to rest as they were are now finding his tweets creepy. While others are convinced that he was living in the future.

Online user asking AKA to rest in peace

It didn’t ended. People’s jaws dropped when a tweet where he told his followers that he will catch them eswatini resurfaced.

This had tongues wagging as this resurfaced a few days after two of his suspected killers were arrested Eswatini.

His fans couldn’t wipe the smile off their faces as they believe that their GOAT is working over time to solve his owner murder case.

AKA tweets shocked people one more time when he raised concerns about a student that was shot. This was particularly interesting as last week, two students were caught in a cross fire on a suspected taxi war. In the incident one student was killed.

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