AFU siezes R43 Million worth of assets belonging to DRC embassy fraudster

The National Prosecuting Authority’s Asset Forfeiture Unit (AFU) has secured a preservation order amounting to R43 million to seize assets owned by Brig Ngoy Timothee Makwamba, who served as the Democratic Republic of Congo’s defence attaché to South Africa.

The case against Makwamba ste usems from allegations of fraud and theft filed by the DRC last year. It is claimed that a refund from Denel was unlawfully transferred to two bank accounts, and the funds were subsequently utilized to purchase four properties.

On March 11, following the issuance of the preservation order by the Pretoria High Court, the sheriff, along with the curator, proceeded to serve the preservation order at four properties associated with Brig Ngoy Timothee Makwamba. These properties were located in Pretoria, Centurion, and Northcliff, Johannesburg.

Additionally, the sheriff seized two Nedbank accounts linked to Makwamba, containing R35 million and R224,000 respectively.

It’s worth noting that one of Makwamba’s responsibilities, as delegated by the DRC’s Ministry of Defence, was to procure weapons from the Denel Group.

“He was still a signatory of the defence account of the DRC and had the authority to instruct them on where to make the refund payment.”

The brigadier provided Denel with bank account details belonging to a firm of attorneys into which Denel paid the R49.6m refund on April 13 2023.

The funds were then transferred to the two bank accounts and the money was used to buy the properties which were then registered under his and his children’s names and other people from the DRC.

Investigations by the Financial Intelligence Centre revealed the flow of funds which led to the identification of the two bank accounts.

“The four properties are now under the control of a curator bonus. The next step is to apply for the final forfeiture order. After obtaining this the properties will be sold at a public auction and the money returned to the DRC,” Mahanjana said.

AfU seizure


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