ANC loses majority of its vote, marking the worst performance in 30 years

The Independent Electoral Commission has announced that the official election results will be released on Sunday.

ANC loses majority

This decision comes despite objections from several political parties regarding the commission’s preliminary results. With over 99% of the votes counted, the ANC has not secured an outright majority, indicating that a coalition government is imminent.

The ruling party has also lost control in KwaZulu-Natal, and its support in Gauteng has fallen to an estimated 35%. Holding only 40% of the national vote, the ANC now faces the significant challenge of identifying a suitable coalition partner.

What caused the ANC loss, according to analyst?

The ANC’s arrogance in KwaZulu-Natal, coupled with divisions within the IFP, were key factors that contributed to the success of the Umkhonto Wesizwe (MK) party in the province.

This perspective was shared by Zakhele Ndlovu, a political analyst from the University of KwaZulu-Natal, following IEC results that indicated a likely defeat for both the ANC and IFP in the region.

Ndlovu pointed to the actions of ANC provincial chairperson Siboniso Duma and secretary Bheki Mtolo, whose continued attacks on the Zulu monarch and bullying behavior, he argued, ultimately harmed the party.


Must read: ANC’s Nomvula Mokonyane says her party is not threaten by the election results

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