Mjolo gone wrong – Five women attack another lady whom they accused of cheating in viral video

An incident recently took place in Hatcliffe, Zimbabwe, where five women brutally attacked another lady they accused of cheating.

The disturbing video of the assault went viral on social media, prompting the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) to take action.

The women in the video can be seen mercilessly attacking the victim, throwing punches, claps, and violent kicks.

The victim, lying on the ground, can be heard shrieking in agony.

The attackers even went as far as stripping the woman of her clothes, exposing her in front of the gathered crowd.

Fortunately, some brave men from the suburb rushed to intervene and managed to stop the attack.

The ZRP has made one arrest in connection with the case, but they are still on the hunt for the other four women involved.

In a statement, the ZRP confirmed the incident and assured the public that the victim is alive and receiving medical treatment.

They also appealed to the public for any information that could lead to the arrest of the remaining suspects.

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