More controversy hits Ukhozi FM song of the year as Khuzani breaks his silence

The announcement of Ukhozi FM’s song of the year sparks both excitement and controversy among music fans.

This year was no different, as pop culture commentator Phil Mphela revealed that Khuzani’s ‘Umjolo Lowo’ had received the majority of votes with 993,667.

Mthandeni SK’s ‘Paris’ came in second with just over 746K votes.

Mphela shared the full list of songs that made it into the top 10, prompting discussions and opinions from fans.

When asked for his opinion, Mphela replied that he would comment on it with a sober mind the following day. However, this did not deter others from expressing their disappointment with the results.

One user, @MshaziNathi, pointed out that regardless of personal preferences, if one did not vote, their opinion did not count.

This led to discussions about the irony of Khuzani performing immediately after the votes were tallied, causing many to question the legitimacy of the numbers.

One user even joked about the need for President Cyril Ramaphosa to set up another commission of enquiry.

The general consensus among fans was that songs like ‘iPlan’ or ‘Paris’ were more deserving of the number one spot. The backlash against Khuzani’s win was evident on social media.

In response to the controversy, Khuzani promised to address the radio station’s followers on Thursday evening.

It remains to be seen how he will respond to the criticism and whether he will address the concerns raised by fans.

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