42-year-old Zimbabwean man denied bail after allegedly raping his girlfriend’s daughter aged 8 in Pretoria

The Atteridgeville magistrate’s court made a decisive ruling on Wednesday by denying bail to a 42-year-old Zimbabwean man who stands accused of raping his girlfriend’s eight-year-old daughter.

The accused, who was in a relationship with the girl’s mother and resided together in the Phomolong informal settlement in Atteridgeville, faced grave allegations that shook the community.

The incident occurred on April 27 when the mother left her two children in the care of the accused while she went to work.

Tragically, during this time, the man allegedly took advantage of the situation and sexually assaulted the young girl in their home.

The National Prosecuting Authority spokesperson, Lumka Mahanjana, revealed the disturbing details of the crime, indicating the calculated manipulation by the accused to deceive the younger child about the victim’s whereabouts.

Upon the mother’s return and the subsequent revelation by the younger child of the deception, the full extent of the heinous act came to light.

The victim bravely disclosed to her mother about the repeated abuse she had endured at the hands of the accused.

Subsequently, the matter was reported to the authorities, leading to the swift arrest of the accused upon his return from work.

During the court proceedings, the accused vehemently denied the charges against him, pleading for bail on grounds of being the family’s breadwinner.

However, prosecutor Belinda Williamson argued against granting bail, emphasizing the severity of the offense committed.

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