17-year-old boy commits suicide by train

17-year-old Karabo Ntolwane of Meadowlands Zone 11 commits suicide on the train tracks.

The train driver stated that the 17-year-old Ntolwane was lying on the tracks when he was hit by train number 9340 at Mzimhlophe train station in Orlando.

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The deceased was later identified by his mother Mary Ntolwane.

17-year-old Karabo

It is alleged that Karabo took his own life after receiving his school report, which showed that he had unfortunately failed Grade 9

On the day of the incident, Karabo visited his mother in Meadowlands Zone 11. The mother told police that she noticed her son was not okay.

It is alleged that she saw a picture on social media where the community mentioned that a boy had been hit by a train and that she could not recognise the school uniform he was wearing.

Normally, a 17-year-old learner should be in the 11th grade by that age and going into the 12th grade. So it is obvious that Karabo had some kind of learning difficulty.

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Learning difficulty is the reason parents are urged to pay attention to their children’s learning ability. This will help determine if the child is a normal learner or if he needs to attend a school for children with special needs. With this in mind, parents should not put too much pressure on their children and try to find out the reason behind their children’s poor performance to avoid depression caused by failing at school.

Teenagers and adolescents are faced with different kinds of challenges. Previous generations never had to deal with the rapid advancement in technology and the consequences thereof. There’s currently a global increase in teenage depression, anxiety and suicide. Caregivers of adolescents must be aware of what to look out for and where to get help.

According to the World Health Organization, nearly  700 000 people die by suicide every year. That’s an average of one person every 40 seconds. Suicide is the 4th leading cause of death among 15 to 19 year-olds globally.

In South Africa, 9% of all teenage deaths are due to suicide and the numbers are increasing.

When you’re thinking about suicide you can tell someone immediately. This could be any person you trust such as a parent or teacher or call SADAG on 0800 567 567 or SMS 31393.

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