13 illegal immigrants and a boss arrested

The All Truck Drivers Forum – Allied South Africa (ATDF-ASA) has welcomed the arrest of 13 illegal immigrants at two Durban trucking companies following a raid by the KZN provincial task team on Thursday.

“The KZN task team did a very good acting on information supplied and we wish this would be done in all the provinces,” said ATDF-ASA national sec­ret­ary-gen­eral Gugu Sokhela.

The team comprising of Labour, DHA and SAPS officials made a surprise visit to Suntrans at its Cator Manor depot.

They managed to arrest 5 illegal immigrants comprising 3 Zimbabweans and 2 Malawians. The owner of the company was also charged for employing illegal immigrants.

Another raid at Gulltrans saw the arrest of 7 Eswatini nationals and 1 Mozambican who were all illegally in the country.

“We have a list of hundreds of companies illegally employing foreign nationals but we provided the KZN task team only 10 companies which topped the list and already netted 13 illegal immigrants. That gives you a picture of the number of illegal foreigners occupying our jobs,” he added.


Must read: George building survivor Tapiwa Shava of Zimbabwe says he earned just R100 a day, other undocumented migrants earned R85 a day

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