Zimbabwean man rapes neighbour’s daughter in the presence of his drunk wife

A 24-year-old Zimbabwean man from Beitbridge has been sentenced to 20 years in prison for the heinous crime of raping his neighbour’s 5-year-old daughter in the presence of his intoxicated wife.

The man, whose name was withheld for ethical reasons, committed the vile act on 23 December 2023 while his wife was sleeping on the same bed where the young victim slept.

The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) revealed that the accused arrived home late that night and discovered the child sleeping next to his wife.

Exploiting the opportunity, he proceeded to violate the innocent girl, who cried out in pain in a futile attempt to seek help from the man’s wife.

The drunk wife acknowledged hearing the child’s distress but was unable to intervene.

The following morning, the victim displayed her injuries to the accused’s wife, who noticed signs of physical harm but failed to address the situation.

In a disturbing turn of events, the rapist attempted to silence the child by purchasing mangoes for her and coercing her to falsely implicate other children if questioned about the assault.

The NPA statement further detailed the manipulative tactics employed by the perpetrator to conceal his actions.

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