Zimbabwean farm worker fights for his mum’s grave after it was mowed down by Cape Town municipality

Farm workers in the Western Cape have been left devastated after a cemetery where their loved ones were buried was destroyed to make way for new roads.

The cemetery, located on a farm outside Stellenbosch, was bulldozed by a construction company working on behalf of the provincial government.

The workers, who are mostly from Zimbabwe, had used the cemetery for over 20 years to bury their loved ones.

They say they were not consulted about the demolition and were not given any notice that the cemetery would be destroyed.

One worker from Zimbabwe, who did not want to be named, said, “I buried my mother here. Now her grave is gone. I don’t know what to do. This is so painful. She will fight from her grave and I will also fight for her”

Another worker, who also did not want to be named, said, “We were not told anything. We just woke up one morning and saw that the cemetery was gone. We are so angry and frustrated.”

The provincial government has apologized for the destruction of the cemetery and has promised to provide new burial sites for the workers.

However, the workers say they are not satisfied with the government’s response and are demanding compensation for the loss of their loved ones’ graves.

“We want compensation for what has happened. Our loved ones’ graves were desecrated and destroyed. This is not acceptable,” said one worker.

The incident has sparked outrage among human rights groups and activists, who say that the destruction of the cemetery is a violation of the workers’ human rights.

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