Woman who was employed by Nedbank jailed after she stole over R5 million

A case of fraud has recently come to light in Cape Town, where a former Nedbank employee has been sentenced to 15 years in prison for embezzling a staggering R5.3 million from the bank.

Dolene Harrison, a 49-year-old employee of Nedbank Investment Management, played a dangerous game with the bank’s funds by siphoning money from a general ledger account over a period of several months.

The elaborate scheme involved Harrison transferring the stolen funds to a suspense account within Nedbank before further moving the money to accounts in other major banks such as Standard Bank, ABSA, and FNB.

This intricate web of financial deceit went undetected for a considerable period until it was finally brought to the attention of the Hawks’ Serious Commercial Crime Investigation team.

Lieutenant Colonel Siyabulela Vukubi, the Western Cape spokesperson for the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation, highlighted the meticulous investigation that led to Harrison’s arrest and subsequent sentencing.

He praised the team for their dedication in uncovering the extent of the fraud and ensuring that justice was served.

Major General Mathipa Makgato, the head of the Hawks in the Western Cape, commended the investigative team for their diligence and perseverance throughout the lengthy process.

The severity of the sentence reflects the seriousness of Harrison’s actions and sends a clear message that financial crimes will not be tolerated in South Africa.

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