We are not home wreckers but we save marriages – thigh vendors reveal why they save marriages

R100 can buy a box of pizza or a warm sheet. But for some, it can can change their lives forever.

Monica Mazorodzwe and Tsitsi Churu are just two of the many Zimbabwean women who have resorted to prostitution in South Africa due to their lack of legal status and financial stability. They are both based in Cosmo City which widely regarded as Johannesburg hub for prostitution.

Their stories shed light on the harsh realities faced by undocumented immigrants in a foreign land.

According to a report by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), an estimated 3 million Zimbabweans have migrated to South Africa, with many of them lacking the necessary documentation to work legally.

This leaves them vulnerable to exploitation and abuse, with prostitution being a common means of survival.

Monica’s story is one of desperation and survival.

She left her home country in search of a better life, but found herself in a situation where she had to trade her body for rent.

She describes herself as a “marriage manager”, catering to the fetishes of married men who cannot express their desires to their wives.

While she classifies herself as a “marriage manager”, she is a professional prostitute.

“Most of my clients are married. But they are not able to talk to their wives about certain fetishes which they have. Some like kissing and licking my feet. But they would never ask their wives for those favours,” said Monica in an exclusive interview with News O’clock.

Another Zimbabwean lady Tsitsi Churu also operates in Cosmo City extension 0, which is known as the hub of prostitution.

“I do not have a choice my brother. Without papers I’m stranded. I have rent to pay. I find this job better than stealing or faking love,” she said.

Tsitsi, on the other hand, sees prostitution as a better alternative to stealing or faking love.

Without legal status, she is unable to find legitimate employment and must resort to selling her body to make ends meet.

Their stories highlight the need for better protection and support for undocumented immigrants in South Africa.

The IOM report recommends that governments work towards providing legal pathways for migrants to work and reside in the country, as well as providing access to basic services such as healthcare and education.

As Monica and Tsitsi continue to navigate the harsh realities of their lives as prostitutes, their stories serve as a reminder of the importance of addressing the root causes of migration and providing support for those who are forced to leave their homes in search of a better life.

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