WATCH |Pit bulls are now going door to door attacking people

With the alarming number of pit bulls attacks and deaths in recent weeks, every pit bull attack is cause for concern.

A video titled ‘Pit bulls are now going door to door attacking people’ has surfaced online of two dogs parading through the street then entering a yard that is not their home, leaving the homeowners terrified.

The video was captured by one of the homeowners when the dogs entered their yard. The two people see the dogs, then run into their house and close the door to watch the dogs through the window.

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The dogs then enter the yard and go straight to the window where the owners are standing, then bark vigorously before leaving and continuing wherever they go.

One person responded with a photo stating that pit bull attacks shouldn’t be blamed on dogs, but on dog owners. Another person responded with a statistic of deaths caused by different dog breeds, pit bulls taking the top spot with an alarming 284 deaths.

Some people found humor in the victim mystery by joking that pit bulls are fighting back, with one tweet saying it’s a door-to-door campaign against their ban.

In most recent and fatal attack, a 37-year-old woman was killed by the pit bulls on Sunday morning, while she was on her way to work in Port Alfred.

It’s understood the dogs escaped a secured property by damaging the fencing.

Opinion on the video of Pit bulls attack

Personally, I don’t find anything funny about the video. You can hear the woman’s fear in her voice. Being attacked by a pit bull is like looking death straight in the eye. Just like people who love the dog breed have nothing but good things to say about them. I stand by the proposed ownership restriction or ban on pit bulls. I hold both dog and owner responsible for any pit bull attacks on humans.

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