VIDEO| Racist teenager, Erhard Vorster, calls Sonwabile a EFF Kaffir

A few weeks ago South Africans celebrated the Springboks rugby world cup win in unity. This brought hope that the country was moving in the right direction with regards to transformation from the racial segregation of apartheid. However as reality would have it, the country is still far from ending racism between white and black South Africans and achieving the goal of being a rainbow nation. This was made apparent by a video of a white racist teenage, Erhard Vorster, calling Sonwabile who is a YouTuber a EFF kaffir on a video call, which is now making rounds on social media.

In the video Sonwabile ties to engage with Vorster and his female friend and is called a EFF kaffir. The call is immediately dropped after the racial slurs and Sonwabile is left shattered and shocked at his realisation that in this day and age , the country is still battling racism.

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This has brought outrage with most people demanding immediately action against the young racist. Soon after the video went viral that his name, pictures and school name was made public by twitter investigators.

Erhard Vorster calls Sonwabile a EFF Kaffir

However some people believe that black people should not be bothered by racial slurs as this a reality that they should be used to by now and it doesn’t reduced their bank balance or have any physical harm.

Calling some an EFF Kaffir is punishable by law

It is however important to note that racism is a criminal offence and defined as crimen injuria.

Crimen injuria is a crime under South African common law, defined to be the act of “unlawfully, intentionally and seriously impairing the dignity of another.” Although difficult to precisely define, the crime is used in the prosecution of certain instances of road rage, stalking, racially offensive language, emotional or psychological abuse and sexual offences against children.

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