Two teenagers raped by their family members

Two rape suspects who are accused of raping members of their own family are scheduled to appear in court.

One of the rape incidents allegedly took place in Bushbuckridge. This is where a 27-year-old man is accused of raping his 14-year-old niece and she got pregnant.

A 63-year-old man is accused of raping his 18-year-old granddaughter in a similar case. It is believed that the incident happened at Mhluzi.

The Family Violence, Child Protection, and Sexual Offenses Unit (FCS) was tasked with looking into the two rape cases.

The two rape ordeals

The victim’s (14) grandmother received a call from the school. She was told that the girl had been rushed to the clinic because she was not feeling well. Later, the victim was sent to a hospital where a doctor checked her and verified the pregnancy.

The girl’s own uncle, who lives with them, is accused of having sexually assaulted the child on multiple times between June and August 2022. According to reports, the uncle would sneak in and rape her in her bedroom before threatening to keep the incident a secret.

A rape case was opened when the police received a complaint about the incident. On Saturday, 17 September 2022, authorities located and apprehended the suspect (27). He is scheduled to appear in court on rape-related accusations in Middelburg.

Another young woman from Mhluzi, age 18, allegedly experienced a similar ordeal when her 63-year-old grandfather allegedly sexually assaulted her on multiple times between September 2015 and September 2022. It is alleged that the suspect would threaten the victim not to tell anyone including her mother of the atrocities she was going through.

Finally breaking her silence. The young girl reported the incident to the police. The culprit was then arrested and appropriate charges were filed against him. He is also scheduled to appear in court on rape-related allegations at Bushbuckridge Magistrate’s Court.

The two little girls were subjected to atrocities, which Lieutenant General Semakaleng Daphney Manamela, the provincial commissioner of the SAPS in Mpumalanga, has harshly denounced because these were allegedly brought about by their own flesh and blood. The General also praised police officers for apprehending the offenders quickly after the crimes were reported.

Also read: Teenage girl reported missing

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