Tswana woman’s nightmare turned into a reality after her Illegal immigrant boyfriend from Zimbabwe fled with their child

After enduring eight years of anguish, a Motswana mother is poised to experience a moment of joy on April 26th as she prepares to reunite with her long-lost child in Zimbabwe.

Baby Betty Morris was cruelly snatched from her mother’s embrace by her estranged Zimbabwean father, Morris Mangena, who then vanished with her.

At the tender age of 19 months, Betty was taken from her family in 2016, setting off a desperate search by her determined mother, Oratile Morris.

Recounting her harrowing ordeal in The Voice Newspaper, Morris appealed to Interpol for assistance in locating her missing daughter.

The breakthrough came in September 2019 when a vigilant reader identified Mangena from a front-page photo in The Voice, leading to his arrest. In court, Mangena admitted to smuggling Betty into Zimbabwe and leaving her in the care of his uncle.

Despite being granted bail, the case faced delays as law enforcement awaited Interpol’s cooperation.

Frustrated by the sluggish progress, Morris took matters into her own hands, lodging complaints with the social workers’ office and the child protection unit to expedite the process.

Finally, after years of heartbreak, Morris received the news she had longed for – the Department of Social Development in Zimbabwe had set a date for her reunion with her daughter, now in Standard 3.

Overwhelmed with emotion, Morris expressed her impatience for the awaited day, eagerly anticipating the moment she would be reunited with her child.

Expressing her gratitude, Morris credited The Voice Newspaper for their unwavering support in her quest to find Betty.

She acknowledged the pivotal role the publication played in aiding Mangena’s arrest and providing guidance when law enforcement efforts fell short.

As the reunion date approaches, the Department of Social Development in Zimbabwe has arranged for the visitation to coincide with the school break in April to ensure minimal disruption to Betty’s studies.

Also Read: Woman kills police officer boyfriend because of rough tlof tlof

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