This is the reason Boinehelo Lefafe stabbed his colleague to death

“I killed him,” were the haunting words reportedly spoken by the man accused of brutally stabbing his colleague at the Leseding family hostel in Westonaria last week.Witnesses from Sibanye-Stillwater mine disclosed that Boinehelo Lefafe contacted a union representative to confess the crime. Lefafe faced murder charges in Westonaria magistrate’s court on Monday for the fatal stabbing of Alphino Macovo.

Colleagues shared that Lefafe looked for Macovo, before finding him at a nearby spaza shop and viciously attacked him with a knife, inflicting multiple stab wounds in the abdomen.

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“[He told the rep] that he was actually after HR [human resources] manager and that the manager was lucky not to have been home at the time,” a colleague who heard the conversation told a news publication.

Following the assault, Lefafe reportedly waited at the scene with the victim’s body for the arrival of the police. Disturbingly, during this time, he took selfies with Macovo’s body, showing his exposed intestines.

The circulated images on social media over the weekend have prompted concerns about Lefafe’s mental state.Despite the gravity of the situation, Lefafe appeared composed during the court appearance.

According to reports, there is a history of conflict between Lefafe and Macovo, stemming from an earlier incident that happened in June where a physical altercation occurred.

Allegedly, Lefafe accidentally sprayed Macovo with water, leading to retaliation and a subsequent fight that resulted in Lefafe’s eye injury andvhospitalidation for a month. Upon returning from sick leave, both individuals were reportedly placed on suspension.

“He questioned why he had to be suspended when he was in fact a victim of an assault. The sanction was then lowered for both of them and a written warning was made. He was still unhappy because he said he did nothing wrong,” said a source.

“He then went to open a case of assault with the police four weeks ago, but no arrest was made.”

The worker said this further angered Lefafe, who went looking for Macovo at the hostel days leading to the stabbing.

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The security personnel did not interfere in the brutal attached and watched in utter shock because they were not armed.

During yesterday’s court appearance, Lefafe indicated that he required seven days to secure a private attorney. He informed the court that, aside from a child maintenance case, he had no previous convictions or pending legal matters.

Community members expressed shock upon learning about the gruesome crime at the hostel. The case has been postponed to the next week to allow Lefafe time to obtain legal representation and proceed with a formal bail application.


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