Things get heated between King Misuzulu and KZN premier Nomusa Dube-Ncube

Zulu King Misuzulu KaZwelithini and the KwaZulu-Natal government are currently embroiled in a dispute over the monarch’s outstanding legal fees totaling nearly R9 million, a situation that has raised concerns about his right to legal representation.

The unpaid legal bill of R8,560,661 is linked to the king’s court battles regarding the throne and related cases, as reported by the Sunday Times.

In a letter dated January 3, the king’s legal representatives addressed KwaZulu-Natal Premier Nomusa Dube-Ncube, highlighting the outstanding fees and the lack of payment despite previous agreements.

The letter expressed disappointment over the failure to settle the debt, emphasizing the importance of fulfilling financial commitments related to the king’s legal matters.

Thulasizwe Buthelezi, Zulu traditional prime minister, expressed astonishment at the unpaid fees, citing a recent meeting where the premier assured the king that all legal expenses had been covered.

However, the lawyers have indicated their intention to pursue further legal action if the outstanding amount is not settled within 30 days.

Buthelezi raised concerns about the political nature of the decision, alleging a pattern of suspicious behavior by the provincial government in previous legal disputes involving the throne.

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