“They are jealous because he goes to a good school” – says family of teenager who was shot twice in the head

19-year-old Breyton Langley miraculously survived being shot twice in the head just hours after celebrating his matric ball.

The Daily Voice states that the incident, which occurred on Sunday morning at the Ash Court flats in Uitsig Avenue, has left the community reeling and his family traumatized.

Breyton was standing with friends when a suspect, dressed in a suit and tie, approached and shot him twice – once in the forehead and once on the side of his head. 

He was rushed to the hospital, where he is currently recovering and showing positive signs, breathing on his own and responsive.

“We are still shocked,” shared Breyton’s aunt, Janette Smith, who was in church when the incident occurred.

“My sister has already lost a child, Breyton’s brother was killed 10 years ago.  My sister is in a state, she doesn’t even want to come home.”

The family, still reeling from the previous loss, was overjoyed to learn of Breyton’s survival. 

“God saved his life, we were all praying for him,” said Janette. 

“We thought we were going to lose him.”

The motive behind the attack is believed to be jealousy, according to Janette. 

“There are gangsters in these flats,” she explained.

“I believe that Breyton was shot because of jealousy, they shot him for nothing, maybe because he is a schoolboy, he is in matric in Ravensmead High School.”

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