Teenage girl aged 15 commits suicide over lost virginity

The suicide of a 15-year-old teenage girl, Tariro Svikiro, has sparked outrage and calls for the closure of the African Apostolic Church.

Tariro took her life after failing a purity test administered by the church, leaving the community devastated and questioning the church’s practices.

According to reports, Tariro and her mother attended a church gathering on May 4th, 2024, where a prophetess publicly accused the young girl of being impure.

Despite Tariro’s denial, she was subjected to a forced chastity test, which allegedly confirmed the accusation.

Overwhelmed and distressed, Tariro revealed she had engaged in sexual relations with two individuals related to the prophetess.

Upon returning home, Tariro’s despair deepened, leading her to consume poison the next day.

Despite being rushed to the hospital, she tragically passed away.

Mashonaland East Police Spokesperson, Simon Chazovachiyi, confirmed the incident and urged the public to handle sensitive matters responsibly, emphasizing open communication and support within families.

Social media platforms have erupted with calls for the church’s closure, with many condemning the practice of purity tests and the immense pressure placed upon young girls.

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