Teenage girl aged 14 gives birth but refuses to expose baby daddy

KwaZulu-Natal Health MEC Nomagugu Simelane has expressed her concern over the high rate of unplanned pregnancies in the province.

This concern comes after the announcement of the number of babies born on New Year’s Day, with 260 babies welcomed in KZN alone.

Out of the 260 babies, 140 were girls and 120 were boys. Shockingly, 28 of these babies were born to teenage mothers, with the youngest being just 14 years old.

The young teenage girl refused to disclose her baby daddy’s name saying it was her boyfriend.

The MEC highlighted the breakdown of teenage mothers, stating that there was one 14-year-old, seven 16-year-olds, eleven 17-year-olds, eleven 18-year-olds, and twenty 19-year-olds.

“As a province, we remain concerned by the rate of unplanned pregnancies, especially within the 10 to 19 age group. This is evidenced by the demand for safe termination of pregnancy,” said Simelane.

She emphasized the importance of open communication between parents and children about sexual reproductive health.

Simelane also stressed the importance of encouraging learners to abstain from sex for as long as possible.

She highlighted the various contraceptive methods available at government health facilities and reassured the public that emergency contraception is readily available at clinics, Community Health Centres, and hospitals to reduce the risk of pregnancy in cases of unplanned incidents of unprotected sex, including cases of rape.

The high rate of unplanned pregnancies in KwaZulu-Natal is a cause for concern.

It not only affects the young mothers but also has implications for their future and the overall well-being of the province.

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