Taxi kills three school kids walking home

It is incredibly heartbreaking when young children lose their lives in a sudden most tragic way. The sad scene took place in Inanda. Primary school children lost their lives after a taxi hit them.

The brakes of a minibus taxi failed it and struck pedestrians in Inanda, KZN. This resulted in the deaths of three schoolchildren and the serious injuries of thirteen others. The incident happened on 28 July 2022.

Taxi leaves 13 injured and 3 kids dead

At around 15:28, a panicked female called Reaction Unit South Africa (RUSA) and requested help. She was a passenger in the taxi that crashed. The crash happened after the taxi hit five people. The only details she could offer about the accident’s location were that it was close to a Shembe Church near the Inanda Dam. She was critically hurt and unable to pinpoint the spot.

As the controller on duty made numerous calls to emergency services to get a location in Matabetule-Inanda, Reaction Officers and RUSA Medics were sent to the vicinity of the Inanda Dam. First Responders received the information.

Thirteen victims who had suffered severe injuries were quickly stabilized after arrival by RUSA members, paramedics from the Provincial Ambulance Service, KZN VIP, the Ethekwini Fire & Rescue Services, and members of the South African Defence Force (SANDF). Three primary school learners suffered fatal injuries.

Children killed by a mini bus taxi

One of the victims was trapped beneath the debris of the white Toyota Hiace that had crashed. Firefighters raised the taxi and removed the child’s body using a high-pressure lifting bag.

The taxi’s brakes apparently failed while it was moving down a steep road, according to witnesses.

Five primary school children were coming home when the driver made a U-turn and entered an unpaved route. The passengers were injured when the minibus then tipped over after colliding with a boundary wall.

Several ambulances were used to take the injured to the hospital.


Also read: Horrific car accident leaves five dead

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