Taxi industry boss, Isaac Mathe, sadly dies alongside his body guards

Tragedy struck on the night of Saturday, January 27, 2024, as a prominent figure in the taxi industry, 34-year-old Isaac Mathe, along with two of his bodyguards, were killed in drive-by shooting at Rakwena Street, Botleng in Delmas. The incident claimed three lives, leaving a community in shock and mourning.

Taxi industry boos, Isaac Mathe, gets shot

Reports indicate that the Mathe, who held a leadership role within the taxi industry, was driving in his car with his security escort when armed suspects suddenly appeared from a vehicle driving in the opposite direction.

The assailants opened fire on both vehicles, resulting in the demise of the taxi industry leader and his two dedicated bodyguards. Additionally, a female victim was also caught in the crossfire, sustaining injuries but miraculously lived to tell the tale after being taken to hospital for medical attention.

Taxi industry boss Isaac Mathe killed

Isaac Mathe’s bullet ridden vehicle

The motive behind the drive-by shooting remains unclear. A dedicated team, led by the Provincial Commissioner of the South African Poloice Service (SAPS) in Mpumalanga, Lieutenant General Semakaleng Daphney Manamela, has been assembled to uncover the circumstances surrounding the attack and bring those responsible to justice.

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General Manamela has strongly condemned the act, emphasizing the urgency in solving this gruesome crime.

As the investigation continues, authorities are urging the public to come forward with any information that may help in the arrest of the suspects.

The Crime Stop number (08600 10111) and the MYSAPSAPP are available for individuals to share tips and details anonymously. All information received will be treated with confidentiality, and callers have the option to remain anonymous.

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