Tattooed woman found dead in a drain

Women’s month ended on a somber note as an unidentified tattooed woman was discovered in a storm drain. This incident happened on Wednesday 31 August 2022. South African Police (SAPS) Bethelsdorp detectives are urgently seeking community assistance in tracing her next of kin.

It is said that at around 17:50, municipal employees were clearing a blockage from stormwater drains in the Kwanoxolon and they discovered the body of an unidentified tattooed female inside the drain at the back of Nompumelelo Street. The woman is thought to be coloured and between the ages of 20 and 30. She had no obvious wounds, and her body had already started to decompose. She was also found naked at the time.

Naked decomposing body of tattooed woman found

The deceased woman had several tattoos on her back, arm, and foot. She has hearts of various sizes on her right foot and a bible with a cross and a crown on it on her left forearm. The words PAILO and the words VELENCIA RIP are written on her back.

Police have currently opened an inquest while waiting for the post-mortem report.

Anyone with information that can help SAPS Bethelsdorp with their investigation, who may know of a woman who has been missing for some time, or who may be able to identify the deceased woman based on her tattoos, is urged to call D/Sgt Attie Knoetze at (844) 660 8003 or (414) 404 3064, Crime Stop at (863) 10111, the local police station, or by using the MySAPS app.

Also read: Man hunted mother’s killer, stabbed him 50 times

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