6 Zimbabwean sex workers raped and killed, Sifiso Mkhwanazi found guilty

Sifiso Mkhwanazi was found of killing six Zimbabwean sex workers between April and October 2022. This conviction was made by the Gauteng High Court in Palm Ridge.

According to the Citizens Judge Cassim Moosa of the High Court delivered the following ruling: “I find that the accused acted with premeditation, planning, and an informed intention to kill the deceased, and I reject the version of the accused as being beyond false.

Further, having due regard to the totality of the evidence before this court, and the necessary inferences that may be drawn therefrom, I find that the accused did unlawfully have sexual intercourse with all the deceased.

“I further find that the accused did unlawfully and intentionally defeat and obstruct the course of justice by concealing the bodies of the deceased and obstructed the administration of justice.”

He was convicted guilty of murder, rape, and defeating the ends of justice.

Through his attorney, Mkhwanazi acknowledged killing the sex workers in February. But he refuted the accusations of rape against him and the theory that the killings were planned.

Following the discovery of six Zimbabwean sex workers’ bodies at his father’s panel beating workshop in Selby, central Johannesburg, Mkhwanazi was placed under arrest in October 2022.

Police were called to the building because of a bad stench coming from one of the apartments, and that’s when they discovered the decomposing bodies.

Five of the women are said to have been strangled to death, while one was  shot in the head.

Two of the victims, according to the authorities, were pregnant.


Must read: Durban man who was arrested in Zimbabwe over alleged bomb threat narrates what really happened, what he was doing in Zim and the horrific prison conditions he endured

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