Sex worker drugs and robs senior police officer

The top brass of the police are attempting to cover up for a major general. He is accused of inviting a sex worker to his home for a night of passion. Instead, she drugged him, ransacked his home, and stole his service weapon, bank cards, cellphone, and a laptop containing sensitive data.

The General from criminal intelligence visited Villieria Police Station at Koedoespoort in Pretoria on 6 August. He filed a case of housebreaking and robbery.

The general allegedly informed police that while he was in the car with a friend, he was robbed by armed suspects and that the attackers “entered premises through an empty house next door.”

His “laptop, tablet, cell phone, and bank cards were stolen,” he claimed.

The general is accused of lying about having a woman over while his wife was gone. The woman drugged him before she ransacked their home.

According to a senior police officer who begged to remain anonymous yesterday, “the laptop and the tablet seized had secret information including criminal intelligence budget as well as some of the police informers details.”

Sex worker syndicated

“The police found the sex worker. She admitted that she had tainted the General’s drink with a narcotic used in date rape before robbing him.

Sex worker drugs and robs police officer

A senior police officer with direct knowledge of the matter stated that the woman “is part of a syndicate. It operates in Gauteng and Mpumalanga and works from numerous venues including the same one where she was picked.”

“Crime intelligence in Gauteng received this case from the initial investigator to ensure that the offender is safeguarded and the incident is covered up. Police are looking into the sex worker in issue for related robberies.

Another cop said, “She works for a syndicate. These women insist that their clients take them to their home and they then drug them and ransack their homes.”

The involved police officer steadfastly declined any inquiries and directed them to the police spokeswoman. The national commissioner, General Fannie Masemola, has been urged by the Independent Police Union of South Africa (IPUSA) to remove him “with immediate effect and allow investigations to take place.”


Also read: Transnet thugs in suits arrested by the Hawks

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