Senzo and Zandi Khumalo allegedly had sex

Senzo Meyiwa, the murdered soccer player, allegedly had sex with Kelly Khumalo’s sister Zandi. It is said it’s because he was unhappy with his relationship with the singer. This is according to a defense witness.

A witness, according to Thobane, will attest that Khumalo ordered Zandi to “guard” Meyiwa while she was preoccupied with her singing career.

“I put it to you that a witness would say that Kelly instructed Zandi to watch over Senzo while she attended to her music-related issues.

Thobane stated, “The witness will attest that Senzo was complaining about this [being guarded] and he ended up having a sexual relationship with Zandi because Kelly was away for a long period.

Madlala responded, “I don’t know anything about that. Senzo loves women, therefore I won’t confirm or deny that.

The people in the crowded gallery began to chuckle at this.

Then Thobane questioned Madlala, “Does it make him a decent person based on that?”

Judge Tshifhiwa Maumela objected to the question and stated it has no relevance to the cause before Madlala could respond.

“I will not permit that inquiry. Maumela stated, “The deceased is not here to defend or answer for himself.

Before that, Madlala identified the second suspect, Bongani Sandiso Ntanzi, as one of the intruders who entered the Khumalos’ home on the evening of October 26, 2014, when Meyiwa was shot and killed in Vosloorus, on the East Rand.

Police were called in before the proceedings began after it was claimed that Adv. Malesela Teffo forced his way into the judge’s chambers.

Teffo claimed he wanted to meet with the judge to discuss the contentious second docket in the case, according to prosecutor Adv. George Baloyi, who relayed this to Maumela.

According to Thobane, he spoke with his clients as well as the members of the Meyiwa family who are being represented by Teffo in the second docket, and neither of them authorized Teffo to attend court on Thursday.

Teffo was observed leaving the courtroom in the direction of the judge’s chambers, but he was not observed returning.

Charges of premeditated murder, attempted murder, robbery with aggravating circumstances, possession of firearms without a license, and possession of ammunition are brought against the defendants, Muzikawukhulelwa Sibiya, Ntanzi, Mthobisi Prince Mncube, Mthokoziseni Maphisa, and Sifisokuhle Nkani Ntuli.

To each charge, they have entered a not guilty plea.

The trial has been postponed until after lunch.


Also read: A Man found dead, female driver missing

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