Scores of undocumented foreign nationals and wanted criminals nabbed as police take crime riddled Cosmo City by storm

The streets of Cosmo City in the north of Johannesburg were buzzing with police activity on Saturday night as Operation Shanela took place.

This operation was launched in response to the high number of vigilantism, business robberies, and hijackings reported in the area.

National Police Commissioner Fannie Masemola led the operation, accompanied by Gauteng Police Commissioner Elias Mawela.

They were joined by National Police Commissioner of Angola, Arnaldo Manuel Carlos, who came to monitor the weekend operations.

The presence of these high-ranking officials highlights the seriousness of the situation in Cosmo City and the determination of the police to tackle crime in the area.

Commissioner Masemola emphasized the importance of community involvement in combating crime, stating, “We need the community to work with the police. It is only through a collaborative effort that we can make a significant impact on crime.”

The operation involved increased police visibility, targeted patrols, and the establishment of roadblocks to deter criminals and ensure the safety of residents.

The aim was to disrupt criminal networks and send a strong message that crime will not be tolerated in Cosmo City.

One resident, Sipho Mokoena, said, “We have been living in fear for too long. It’s good to see the police taking action and showing that they are serious about protecting us.”

Scores of undocumented foreign nationals, illegal tavern owners, drug peddlers, and wanted criminals were nabbed.

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