Pastor breaks his silence after praise and worship leader was arrested for rape. Police seize toys and tablets at his house

A Chatsworth pastor has spoken out about the arrest of his church’s youth and worship leader on charges of alleged rape involving a teenage girl under his tutelage.

The 31-year-old accused, who is a guitarist at the Bayview church, appeared in the Chatsworth Magistrate’s Court last week and is set to seek bail this Friday as the case unfolds.

The arrest of the church leader came about following a collaborative effort between the Hawks KZN tracking team, metro police task team, and the Chatsworth SAPS Family Violence, Child Protection, and Sexual Offences (FCS) Unit.

Authorities conducted a raid at the man’s Westcliff residence, where they confiscated laptops, cellphones, lingerie, sex toys, and sexual enhancer tablets.

A police source hinted at the possibility of additional charges, suggesting a pattern of predatory behavior towards young girls.

The pastor of the church, breaking his silence on the matter, disclosed that the alleged rape incident occurred on January 20.

“On the day of the alleged incident, the children in the band had been practising at church. They have never been left unsupervised or alone with the accused. Most times, their parents stayed with them for the practice.

“But on January 20, the victim’s mother said she had allowed her daughter to go to the worship leader’s home after the practice session. She said he had invited the girl to his home for a meal.”

He clarified that the accused served as a worship team coordinator rather than an ordained pastor, primarily involved in teaching music to children within the church.

The pastor emphasized that the accused had been under supervision and had maintained a respectful demeanor until the unfortunate episode unfolded.

Recounting the events of that fateful day, the pastor explained that the victim’s mother had permitted her daughter to visit the worship leader’s home after a practice session.

However, the visit took a sinister turn as allegations surfaced of sexual molestation occurring in the accused’s vehicle and residence.

Shockingly, another 12-year-old girl, a backup singer in the church band, was also reportedly assaulted on the same day while at the accused’s house with the initial victim.

Expressing concern for the younger victim’s delayed statement to the police, the pastor underscored the gravity of the situation and the imperative need for swift and thorough investigations to ensure justice for the victims and prevent further harm.

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