Neighbours got into a fight and both died

The Mpumalanga police condemned the double murder that occurred in Boschfontein. The incident happened on Monday, 5 September 2022, at around 01:59, outside of Schoemansdal, close to Komatipoort. According to reports a 41-year-old man and his 31-year-old neighbour got into a fight. This then resulted in the deaths of both neighbours who were also believed to be friends.

Schoemansdal police received a call from the local hospital that two males one with bruises on his face, fractured jaw and hand, and the other one was hacked on his head, with an axe, succumbed to their injuries. On the police’s arrival, it was established that both victims lived as neighbours and friends in Boschfontein.

Although the cause of the fight is still unknown, a police investigation is underway.

Lieutenant General Semakaleng Daphney Manamela, the Provincial Commissioner of the SAPS in Mpumalanga, has deemed the incident regretful and has appealed to community members to seek professional aid rather than engage in aggressive behaviour. “Particularly for neighbours or friends who have conflicts, violence is not even something that should come to mind. The two fatalities could have been prevented “The General remarked.

Also read: Gang leader and son killed, community living in fear

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