Namhla refuses to help a friend bring a Christmas gift, here is why

Namhla took to Twitter and shared a predicament she encountered with a friend during the holiday season.

As everyone is aware, yesterday was Christmas, and since people use this time, to exchange gifts, it has caused some friction in certain friendships.

On December 20th, Namhla revealed that her friend in Cape Town had asked her to deliver a gift from Joburg, which was an early Christmas present from the lover.

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This normally wouldn’t be an issue, but in this case, there was a catch. They bluntly refused when she requested to open the present to see what was inside of it before taking a flight with the gift from Joburg to Cape Town.


Namhla thinks she was not being unreasonable when she asked to open the gift before traveling with it because she was worried that she might be under the impression that she is carrying an early Christmas present only to be stopped by authorities at the airport for smuggling drugs.

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Namhla and her friend were unable to come to an agreement and she suggested that the owners of the gift use courier services.

Namhla is entirely correct in this instance and has a right to know what is contained in the package she will be traveling with. If there what’s inside is legal then opening shouldn’t have been an issue.

Many people have ended up in trouble with the law while trying to help friends and family. Drug possession is a serious offence that might land you in jail for a very long time.

If you are found in possession of narcotics that cause dependence, the court may impose a fine or you may spend up to five years in prison or both. If you are found in possession of harmful narcotics that cause dependence, such as cocaine, you might receive a jail term of up to 15 years.

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