Mystery surrounds death of female doctor after her body was found in the boot of her car

The tragic murder of beloved paediatrician Dr. Zamambo Siphokazi Mkhize has rocked the community of Hilton.

The Witness reports that her lifeless body was discovered stuffed into the boot of her car in Imbali J-Section, sending shockwaves through the close-knit town.

Dr. Mkhize’s VW Polo was found abandoned after her husband reported her missing.

She failed to return home from Harry Gwala Regional Hospital, where she worked.

She was expected to leave work early to take one of her children for a hospital check-up, but tragically, she never made it back.

Speaking about the devastating loss, Dr. Mkhize’s brother, Ntozonke, shared the heartbreaking details of the events leading up to her discovery.

He recounted how her husband grew increasingly concerned when she did not respond to his calls and contacted Tracker to help locate her car.

Ntozonke emotionally stated, “We found her body in the boot.”

A police source revealed that Dr. Mkhize had been shot in the head and showed signs of assault, with a bruised and swollen eye.

Her personal belongings, including her handbag and cellphone, were missing from the scene.

Dr. Mkhize was a highly respected paediatrician who earned her master’s degree in 2011.

She was one of the few black women paediatricians in the province, making her death a significant loss to the medical community.

The provincial Department of Health expressed deep sadness over her passing, with spokesperson Ntokozo Msphisa extending heartfelt condolences to Dr. Mkhize’s family during this difficult time.

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